It gets pretty tiring lugging burp letters about all day.
Postie Pete: Everyone deserves a hic break you know.
Hows tricks? Who are you interviewing here?
Postie Pete: You're doing it on purpose now aren't you? Please leave me alone!.
One says to the other 'Can you smell fish'.
Postie Pete: You're serious aren't you.
One says to the other 'Can you smell fish'? Hee heheee he ho ho.
Player: And so what did the other one say?.
Postie Pete: 2 Parrots sit on a perch.
Postie Pete: Just a joke that he told me.
Postie Pete: Just chatting to my big brother Pete.
Player: Cripes! What do you think it means?.
Postie Pete: Well, she started leaping about and pointing to Ardougne, shouting something about betrayal.
Postie Pete: I didn't know she was familiar with the works of Shakespeare.
Postie Pete: First she said 'I am the Oracle, And when I open my lips, let no dog bark!'.
You know, she's been here a long, long time.
Postie Pete: I was just trying to get some wise words of wisdom from the Oracle.
Player: Hey Postie! What you doing all the way up here?.
Postie Pete: Not very good I'm afraid. For the next 30 days, Postie Pete will be delivering a parcel straight to your inventory, ranging in size from small to huge.
Postie Pete: Just chatting to my brother Pete.
Player: I have a strange feeling of Deja Vu.
Postie Pete: Shhhh! That's enough history for one day I think!.
They even stayed down there for 1000 years or more, in a time they call 'The age of Kings'. Did you know that Keldagrim was originally constructed by a long lost clan who embraced the power of magic, and used it to aid with glorious buildings like
Postie Pete: Not much, just doing some research on Dwarvern Culture.
Postie Pete: Shhhh! It's a library you know!.
Oooo, look, the chaos elemental!! Quick, run!!
Postie Pete: Shhh!! Don't let the others see me here! I'm on a top secret mission for the Burth., no, nothing.
Player: Pete, what are you doing out here in the deep wilderness?.
I bet it's bliss being ignorant of this world's trouble! I'm off!
Postie Pete: So would you be if you could speak over 1000 languages.
Player: You're a bit mad really aren't you?.
Postie Pete: Here! Are you mad? No, 'fraid I can't do that.
It's a special feature for 'West Wyverns Women's Weekly'.
Postie Pete: Just doing a quick survey on famous people and their favourite colour.
10.3 If the player is in a zone where the random event isn't allowedĬastle Wars lobby dialogue.
10.2 If Postie Pete is interested in another player.
He has a gravestone in the New Varrock graveyard which reads "Postie Pete.
The player 'hints' it by saying "I have a strange feeling of deja vu".
When he appears near Pirate Pete he will be talking like Murray the skull from the Monkey Island game series.
When Pete appears nearby, a short jingle will play.
Postie Pete carries his mail satchel in his mouth, but his chathead doesn't show that.
If spoken to just as he's about to "head off", the message "Postie Pete is talking to someone - Don't you know it's rude to interrupt?" appears in the chatbox.
Taverley, next to the player-owned house portalĭialogue This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page.Ĭlick here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.
Phantuwti Fanstuwi Farsight's house in Seers' Village.
Laughing Miner, a bar in east Keldagrim.
Falador East Bank (also wanders south of the Artisans Workshop).
Postie Pete can be found at the following locations: Postie Pete as he appears on his own postage stamp. It is possible that he is a spy or a scout for the Imperial Guard of Asgarnia because of the conversation players can have with him while at the Bandit Camp, and the conversation he has with Party Pete: "I'm here to see some white knights." He also mentions a "plan" that is very secretive with Noterazzo in his general store. Lanthus also says to Postie Pete that he should say hi to the kids for him, this showing that he must have children. However, this is debatable as in a letter's response, he completed the Lost City quest, which requires level 31 Crafting. According to Baba Yaga, Postie Pete's Crafting level is 1. He can speak over 1,000 languages including Wyvern, and usually tells a rather weak joke. He replaced the internal messaging delivery system of Daemonheim by jamming a spanner into the machine that ran it. In Postbag from the Hedge 40 it is implied by Mother Mallum that she had momentarily took control of Postie Pete's mind, suggesting that he is in some way alive, in order to write a reply to a postcard. In Postbag from the Hedge 19 it is implied that Postie Pete became a skull after being attacked by a dragon.ĭuring a conversation with Lanthus at Castle Wars Postie Pete mentions that he was cursed by a witch.